Established Birth and Postnatal Doula. 'I strongly believe in every woman's ability to know what is right for her and her baby and that, with support of her partner and/or a doula and access to information, she can birth her baby with grace, strength and passion. I have supported many women planning to birth after caesarean (VBAC) and those considered high risk. I am happy to meet you to discuss your needs, and see whether you feel you might benefit from my support. I do not have a preference as to how you birth your baby, but know that you do, and that you will want unconditional support with that.
I began my journey as a doula in 1997 when I attended the birth of my friend's son at home. I saw then how safe, comfortable and supported she felt, and I witnessed her becoming a strong and very capable mother before my eyes as she laboured. I had my own three children later, between 2005 and 2011. Each of their births was very different and I learned a lot about negotiating with maternity services to meet our needs! From 2006-2008, I studied with the Scottish Birth Educators' Course, learning how to facilitate groups, understand the many options possible for birth, support every choice without judgement and respect women's knowledge and intuition. In 2008, I completed my doula training with Mindful Doulas and became a member of the Scottish Doula Network, where the ethos and community of doulas support, sustain and uphold one another with love and respect. Since then I have been fortunate enough to support many families on their birth journeys. I have thoroughly enjoyed finding Conscious Birthing and Kate, and am thrilled to join this wonderful community.
In addition to being a mother and a doula, I also teach pregnancy yoga , Active Birth workshops and the Birth Educators' Course at the Pregnancy and Parents Centre in Edinburgh, am an accredited Talking Mats facilitator, run a homebirth support group and lead singing groups for women. With Fiona Reilly (postnatal guide) I also hold Birth Stories workshops, for women to process and integrate their stories.
Contact: thedaisymum@yahoo.co.uk