Preparing for Birth as a Survivor (PBAS) offers a safe place, a learning space and a sense of community for those who have experienced trauma and are feeling vulnerable during pregnancy. PBAS is for those who have been victims of and survived sexual, domestic or medical abuse or violence.
Each PBAS is a closed, confidential group where we spend time sharing our stories (if you are comfortable to), preparing birth plans, delving into somatic strategies for peaceful, calm birth on your terms and considering pathways for confident early parenthood. There is an emphasis on self-care and empowered decision making, alogisde buliding connections and community for motherhood. We want you to feel nurtured, heard and confident.
PBAS is facilitated by Kate and Hazel. Kate is a Birthkeeper with 30 years experience, a Mental Health First aider and Mentor as well as the founder of Doulas Without Borders, which is a national voluntary organisation for the support of survivors of trauma during the perinatal year. Hazel is a Birthkeeper and Antenatal group facilitator. Both Kate and Hazel are Mothers and Women's Aid Ambassadors.
We will offer both in-person and online support groups, so please read on to discover what we are offering currently, or drop us a line to let us know your specific requirements.